Aboutblank is pleased to present, for those who do not yet know, a designer from Florida londoner by adoption:
Corrie Nielsen
Studia presso la Central Saint Martin School e lavora dal 2000 al 2006 per Vivienne Westwood;
nel 2010 partecipa al Fashion Fringe e viene premiata da John Galliano in persona che l'ha fortemente voluta vincitrice.
Da qui la sua prima collezione A/I 2011 "A Winter's Melodie"
Student from Central Saint Martin School and collaborator from 2000 to 2006 with Vivienne Westwood;
On 2010 partecipated at Fashion Fringe and rewarder by John Galliano himself, who has strongly supported her as a winner.
Hence she start her first collection A/W 2011 "A Winter's Melodie"
per poi proseguire con la collezione Spring Summer 2012 " Arbiter Elegantiarium"
then continue with the collection Spring Summer 2012 "Arbiter Elegantiarium"
fino alla presentazione all'ultima edizione della London Fashion Week di
" Vestiarium Scoticum" A/I 2012 dove evidenti sono le sue origini, anche stilistiche..
until the last edition of London Fashion week, where she present "Vestiarium Scoticum" A/W 2012, here we can clearly see her stylistic origins..
abiti Tartan sontuosi ed elaborati
Tartan dresses sumptuous and elaborate
linee strutturate dove emerge un'impeccabile combinazione tra estetica e sartorialità,
structured shapes where we can clearly see an immpeccable combination of aesthetics and tailoring,